Sedation Dentistry Offers Calm, Relaxing Dental Visits
Regular dental visits are important for your overall health and well-being. They help make sure your mouth, teeth and gums stay strong, healthy and looking their best. Seeing your Milton dentist and hygienist regularly can also help catch small problems like cavities or lumps and bumps in your mouth before they turn into more serious problems like gum disease or even cancer. But many people are uncomfortable about visiting the dentist, and some are even afraid. If you are one of those people, don’t worry – you’re not alone, and we have good news for you. It’s important not to let fear and anxiety prevent you from seeing your dentist regularly, so talk to us about sedation dentistry.
Heritage Dental Care offers nitrous oxide sedation. This is also commonly known as laughing gas, and it is a vapour that is administered through a mask. When laughing gas is used, the patient remains awake, and the sedation effects wear off very quickly once they stop breathing it in.
If you’re afraid or nervous about an upcoming dental procedure and are interested in learning more about sedation dentistry, please give us a call. We can discuss your unique situation and come up with a treatment plan built around your needs and comfort level.